Hello Art Friends,

I want to give you all some updates! 

Usually, I have the whole year’s class schedule for the following year on my website by October.  However, this has been a crazy and challenging year.  I am hoping to have January and February’s class schedule posted by end of this month – November.  Then I hope to have the class schedule for March through June posted by the end of December. 

Exciting Announcement – if things go as planned – I will be heading to Florida to earn my Floral Certification in July!!!!  With that being said, there will be no classes scheduled for the month of July.  The certification class will take three (3) weeks to complete. 

Upon my return, I will want to begin teaching some floral paintings!!!! August through December classes will not be available until after I return from Florida, get my supplies ordered/received (floral paintings use special floral paints and brushes), get my bearings and re-group, then I will schedule classes for the rest of the year!  I hope you all are as excited as I to paint some beautiful floral paintings!

I thank you for your patience and understanding!  I look forward to offering, to you my students, a more diverse choice of painting compositions and more opportunity to increase your painting knowledge and skill set!

Please keep checking my website for updates and class schedules.

Thank you and Happy Painting!!