A Seat For YOU!

There is a “Special” place, a “Special” seat, a “Special” experience waiting for a “Special” person – YOU!

Come out and take a seat and join a class!

Learn the “Wet-on-Wet” oil painting technique and create a master piece is a few short hours!  YOU CAN PAINT!

Classes are available most Saturdays from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.  If you register, and you receive a “registration is closed” message, please call, text or message me!  Registration deadline is always the Wednesday before class – just to allow me time to prep canvases and prepare supplies BUT if there is room you can still come!  So please, just reach out and get a seat!

I hope you will!  I look forward to experiencing “The Joy of Painting” with YOU!

Peace, Love and Joy to you!
